Monday, May 23, 2011

A Good Assistant in Medical Teaching

As many medical students know, when the medical professor is giving a lecture about a sick specimen, he cannot touch it. So he cannot say clearly about the place that he wants to talk about. If at this time, a laser pointer pen can be used, he will be able to give the lecture more smoothly.

Green light laser pen, just as the name replies, refers to laser pen with green light. It can also be called "green laser pen" or "star pointer pen".

Green laser pointer pen is the most popular laser pointer pen in the world because green laser is 6 times' brighter than red laser. The light beam of green laser is more obvious than the red one, and its price is much cheaper than blue or yellow lasers. Therefore, the users of laser pointer pen usually choose the green one.

The wave length of green laser pointer pen is 532nm and the laser type is Class IIIA. The light of green laser pen is objective so it is more dangerous to people's eyes. Generally speaking, 5mw green laser pens are used generally. In America, only 5nm laser pen can be sold on the market. If the power is over 5nm, the seller must get special admission for the sale of the pen. In China, there is no strict limitation about the pen, so we need to pay more attention to our safety.

Green laser pens are usually used in teaching. It is a modern teaching mold or equipment. Teaching laser pen is the third generation of written laser pen. In demonstrating lecture or project, sometimes teachers, trainers or speakers need to operate the computer while they are explaining something to others. It is very inconvenient because their actions are limited. How to liberate teachers completely? The appearance of laser pen solves this problem.

For astronomers, which kind of laser pens will satisfy their needs to point stars? What about the power or the price? Personally speaking, 20mw and 50mw are proper. In the gloomy room, the light of laser pen with more than 50mw power will be very dazzling. The price of laser pen is mainly related to its broad band and stability, the narrower of the broadband, the more expensive of the pen. However, it is impossible for people to tell apart the difference between broad bands. Therefore, people who have not enough money can choose laser pens with power below 50mw and with the price under 100RMB. In addition, the power consumption of laser pen is large. On the principle of environmental protection and energy - saving, it is necessary to buy a pair of good rechargeable batteries.

If you need, it is very worthwhile to buy a laser pen.

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