Friday, May 20, 2011

Let Laser Pointer Takes You to the World of Stars

The universe is amazing! It accommodates everything we know or unexpected, good or bad. Even today, scientists can not confirm the presence of extraterrestrial being (ET). Creatures in the universe do not exist to please human beings, since we can never be the god. However, if we carefully observe the universe by eyes as well as the heart, many things are gorgeous and eternal. Sometimes, eternal things are mysterious for most people, and then deeply attract us, such as the stars!

Human beings knew little about stars of the night sky thousands of years ago, but they have begun to be infatuated with these litter flickering dots. I guess in ancient times, girls and boys also closed their eyes and let loose their imagination under the starry sky just as we often do in modern world. At that time, people witnessed stars only with eyes, whereas we now have more advancing aids to better observe and even recognize the various stars.

Apart from telescope, now we also have laser pointer, which is more convenient with small stature. Laser pointer is made like a pen, so that we can carry about it everywhere we head for, without being worried about the additional weight. As I know, the stars in city are not as bright as those in the countryside, maybe due to the high buildings and polluted air of the city. As a result, if you dream of a wonderful starry night, I suggest you go to the country, of course with a laser pointer.

Ask a few friends together with you, filled with happiness and peace. The starry sky is not supposed to disappoint you. For a laser pointer, you may pick green laser pointer. The green light seems especially beautiful in starry night. Use the green laser pointer to point at the stars and name them. This one is Venus, and those ones are the Plough. The green laser pointer is your finger then, which can help you get closer to the stars.

The starry night is tranquil. What you should do is just to let your body and mind relax slowly, and get intoxicated by the beauty of the night. I understand that the city life is busy and hard, and you never have the time to have a totally pleasant rest. For earning a life you desire, you are not able to get rid of it. Anyway, you may spend part of the weekend to take you out of yourself. You must have accepted the idea to indulge in a starry night. Therefore, find yourself some time for stars, carry about a green laser pointer, and enjoy yourself!

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